The Rested Mamahood

You're feeding your baby back to sleep for the tenth time tonight.  You think "I know they're not hungry, because they fed half an hour ago, but I don't know what to do". You feel like crying, touched out, desperate for even a couple of hours of joined up sleep.

You wave your partner off to work in the morning, a long day ahead of just you and your baby.  You wish that it was you who was going to work; the thought of the day ahead whilst you feel so sleep deprived is horrible.  You feel like a failure, like you must be doing something wrong. 

You put your baby to bed only for them to wake three times before you go to bed.  You're thinking how on earth you're going to get yourself out of this situation, wondering when you're going to get your evening to yourself again.  You feel despondent, hungry because you haven't had time for tea yet, you feel like giving up and going to bed now yourself.

I have EXACTLY what you need, and what's more it's just £20!

I'd love to help you in The Rested Mamahood - you don't need to do this on your own, and there are lots of ways to get better sleep without having to resort to controlled crying.

Would you love to join The Rested Mamahood and start getting more sleep?  Of course you would!  Why wouldn't you when you get:

  • Video trainings to help you understand sleep and learn exactly what to do to help your baby sleep for longer stretches
  • Additional modules including nap masterclass, and early rising masterclass
  • Two group video calls a month with me, Rhian

What else do I get, this sounds amazing!

  • A wonderful Facebook group where you can connect with other Mums, and ask me anything

Want to help your child sleep well without leaving them to cry?  What are you waiting for, come join me in The Rested Mamahood!

  • At just £20 a month, there's no need to worry about being tied in - leaving is easy and you can leave at any time; after just one month if you want to 

I found Rhian so helpful and reassuring. She always replied promptly to any questions, and the videos have made me much more aware of sleep needs and how to solve problems myself. Thankyou for all your help!

Siobhan, North Wales

I joined The Rested Mamahood to minimise night wakes and improve naps for the baby, reduce early mornings for toddler.  Our baby now nearly sleeps through the night every night, and naps for good stints of time, sometimes up to 2 hours at a time, and our toddler regularly now wakes after 6am, occasionally even 7am!

Bryony, Cheshire

I joined The Rested Mamahood because of the low cost, the Facebook group and being able to watch videos in our own time.  When I joined my 6 month old was waking every 2 hours, and within 2 months she was sleeping through the night for 11 hours!  Huge thank you!

Charlotte, North Wales

I can't wait to welcome you in and get you the sleep that you and your gorgeous little family needs!

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The Rested Mamahood

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